IMS is Very Effective for Pain and Headaches ... ... ...
Youth Return to Sport: Managing Osgood-Schlatter...
The secret to success for your rehab program...
Learn all about the benefits of clinical pilates ...
Intramuscular stimulation (IMS), also known as dry needling or trigger point dry needling, is a form of physiotherapy treatment that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points in the muscle. The goal of IMS is to release muscle tension, improve muscle function, and reduce pain. How is it different from Acupuncture? Acupuncture came first:). Acupuncture treats points along meridians that were derived from thousands of years of empirical knowledge in the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine. IMS has a western medical approach and addresses dysfunction looking at the anatomical structure of the body rather than energy meridians. Both forms of ‘needling’ may be very effective - the approach however, is different. How does it work? Think of your muscles like a tangled ball of yarn. When they're...